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Wellbeing resources

Alongside our services, we have resources to help support whānau and taiohi on a journey to positive mental health and wellbeing.

Recipes to support your wellbeing

We believe nutrition and what you eat plays a key part in being both physically and mentally well.

Check out our ‘Wholesome Cookbook’ for nutritious easy to make meals that help to support your wellbeing and to work with your budget. To support gut health problems we’ve included a range of dairy and gluten free recipes. There’s also plant based recipes that you can add poultry or other meats to if you wish.

It’s free! You can read below or click the button to download.

Understanding self-injury

The following resources are for young people and their whanau to help understand what self-injury is, and how you can support taiohi who are self-injuring.

*These were developed following the Youth Wellbeing Study, led by Victoria University of Wellington and supported by the Health Research Council of New Zealand.

Organisations across Aotearoa to support you

Please get in touch with the team supporting your taiohi if you need support.

We’ve also created a list of other organisations you can access, or that have tools available to help to support you and the wellbeing of your taiohi. You can click on the logos below to go to their website to find out more.

Call for support

Whānau support services

Digital tools

Rainbow support


Information for parents

Who are you grateful for? Let them know!

He oranga ngākau, he hikinga wairua. When it touches your heart, it lifts your spirit.

We’ve developed a range of ‘gratitude cards’ you can send to your whānau, friends or taiohi in your lives, or maybe a kaimahi at Real you’ve been working with. These cards show that you appreciate their mahi and support. It’s a great way to be whakahonohono.

You can download the digital card you’d like to send by clicking on the image below, then click on the download arrow. Then just forward it on to the person you want to show your appreciation to.

Wise Group logo white

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