Tēnā koe
Nō Ngāmotu au
Kei Te Whanganui-a-Tara ahau e noho ana
Ko Rowling tōku ingoa whānau
I joined the Pathways and Real whānau in 2017. As well as supporting our Chief Executive, I lead the Pathways and Real communications team and the Salmond House facilities team. I also support the Chief Executive in her role as Privacy Officer, addressing regulatory requirements and responding to information requests. My role is incredibly varied and no day is the same – which is why I love it!
I studied Criminology and Sociology at University and have experience working across NGO, Government and private sector organisations both in Aotearoa and the UK.
I’m proud to work for an organisation that deeply cares for people, and I see this demonstrated every day.
While I’ve lived in Wellington for most of my adult life, I still call Taranaki home. As a proud mum with a daughter in primary school, I love spending time with my family, travelling, going to local markets and being outdoors!