Adel Stephenson
Pou Whakahaere ā Rohe - General Manager: Te Manawa Taki
Tēnā koe
Ko Pretoria, te taone o Jacaranda, tonga o awhirika te whenua tupu
Kei Te Whanganui – a – Tara ahau e noho ana
Ko Stephenons tōku ingoa whānau
I trained as an Occupational Therapist in South Africa and have worked in mental health and addiction services since 1997. An adventure to New Zealand turned into a permanent destination, working and living in different parts of this beautiful country. A highlight was leading the establishment of Recovery Centres in Hawkes Bay. This was a significant transformation of the day services and we were recognised for the mahi by the then Mental Health Commission.
In 2005 I joined the Wise Group and built my capability in Evidence Based Supported Employment (IPS) while also completing the Blueprint Executive Leadership programme. Over 15 years I worked in various roles in the employment support space as a practitioner, in operations, and as a workforce/quality manager with Workwise. I had the privilege to train at the IPS centre, Dartmouth USA as an IPS implementation manager to support the integration of employment support in mental health and addiction services with Work Counts.
I’ve now returned to operational management and am delighted to lead the Te Manawa Taki region. It’s mahi I’m passionate about, where working together can truly make a difference and where you can live and breathe the values.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me out walking, dancing or attending theatre productions with my friends and whānau.